Harvest Dance Pictures

October 25, 2014

I love it when youth ask me to take pictures for dances. It is such a fun time and I love every minute of it. These two couples were so cute. They dressed up to the hilt, props included and were fantastic about doing anything I asked and had great personalities to boot!!! My favorite picture has to be the one where the young man caught some serious air. I am positive I could never jump that high when I was in High School.

Thank you for making this such a fun photo shoot for your group!

(I have two policies with dance pictures: One is that everyone has to be wearing modest clothes so that I never see something I feel uncomfortable seeing. Two is that they only post pictures on social media that have my copyright information included as well as referencing me. Easy as pie.)

Harvest Dance Pictures dances,harvest,high school,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,featured photos,harvest,high school,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,harvest,high school,homecoming,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,featured photos,harvest,high school,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,harvest,high school,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,featured photos,harvest,high school,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,harvest,high school,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,featured photos,harvest,high school,homecoming,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,harvest,high school,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,featured photos,harvest,high school,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,featured photos,harvest,high school,homecoming,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,harvest,high school,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,featured photos,harvest,high school,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,featured photos,harvest,high school,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,harvest,high school,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,harvest,high school,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,featured photos,harvest,high school,homecoming,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,harvest,high school,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,harvest,high school,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,featured photos,harvest,high school,
Harvest Dance Pictures dance groups,dances,harvest,high school,

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