Book Covers for Authors
June 1, 2024 10:06 PM Blog
As a photographer, I came to understand the joy in creating things. Not only beautiful photos but I absolutely love created book covers for authors. Cindy Rolland Anderson and I joined forces. Most of her book covers were done with photos I took specifically for her books and then created her covers for her. While I was in Peru, we weren't able to get together so we had to use stock photos for some of them but I was still able to be creative. I have loved working with different authors and love ......
Baptism - Cousins! Knox and Greta
February 28, 2024 5:45 PM Blog
It was meant to be! These two families contacted me asking if I had room to do baptisms on short notice. I had done baptism photos their previous children and was so excited for the opportunity to do so again. I loved seeing the cousins interact with each other and may have caught a few fun photos in the process.
Missionary - Elder Logan Bybee 2023
July 14, 2023 5:42 PM Blog
Elder Bybee you are going to be amazing in Argentina!!! This was such a fun photo shoot with you and I cannot wait to see how you progress even more as a missionary. Living in Peru has prepared you so much for being in Argentina for 2 years!!! Serve with honor, son!
Seniors - Catherine Zappe 2023 Lima Peru
June 15, 2023 5:16 PM Blog
Catherine worked so hard to graduate from high school that she never got Senior photos done. When she asked me to take them for her I couldn't have been happier. It's been a pleasure doing photo shoots as a service for others in Lima.
Missionary - Elder Kade Webber 2023
June 3, 2023 5:13 PM Blog
He went from turning his papers in to leaving straight from Peru! What a whirlwind for him and his family but we successfully got his photo session in. Argentina is getting an amazing missionary in Elder Webber.
Family - Manly Lima Peru 2023
May 15, 2023 5:17 PM Blog
I loved being able to help President and Sister Manly get family photos while they served as mission presidents in Peru! They little ones had about a 20 minute window of tolerance but we managed to get them all in there with some smiles!
Senior - Logan Bybee 2023 Lima Peru
May 11, 2023 5:12 PM Blog
Ah, my second to last child in high is graduating this year. Man time flies. I have to say this was a fun photo shoot in the old part of Lima, Peru. Old buildings and classic people made for a fun and unique day. You can't have your Senior session without photos with your best friend, a rogue bird taking over the shoot, and street vendor watermelon at the end...
Senior - Kade Webber 2023 Lima Peru
March 11, 2023 5:13 PM Blog
It's becoming a tradition to do Senior photos for the Webber family. From his older sister in Utah during the pandemic, to Kade in Lima after the pandemic. Thanks for trusting me with your Senior pics Kade! You can't have your Senior session without photos with your best friend, a rogue bird taking over the shoot, and street vendor watermelon at the end...
Family - Niu 2022 Lima Peru
October 7, 2022 10:38 PM Blog
Beach family photos???? I have always wanted to do some beach photos with a family and the Niu family did not disappoint with their joy to wake up early in order to catch an empty beach, bringing their fun easy going personalities with them. Oh and their children were ADORABLE!!! Thank you for trusting me with your family photos in Peru!!! Thank you for an amazing session. You were wonderful to photograph and your happiness to just be there together as a family was a joy to see. ......
Seniors - Krista Zappe 2022 Lima Peru
September 23, 2022 10:41 PM Blog
Senior pictures in Peru again. Yes please!! I fell in love with these photos the moment I loaded them on my computer. Some needed the whole black and white vintage look as she just resonates classic beauty. Some needed just the tiniest of edits. Thank you for a wonderful day of capturing your sunshine, your beauty, and your amazing personality.
Baptism - Levi 2022 Lima Peru
August 20, 2022 10:37 PM Blog
Levi grew up before my eyes. He is a fantastic youngster with a zest for life and a fun sense of humor. I loved being able to take his photos in Peru.
Baptism - Kora 2022
July 21, 2022 10:36 PM Blog
Ah Kora, from your little days as a sunbeam in primary, you have grown so big so fast. I loved your zest for singing and your adorable voice. Please don't grow up too fast. Taking your photos for baptism was sureal for me. I miss being your primary music leader and seeing your adorable smile each week.
Sister Webber - MISSIONARY 2022 Lima Peru
June 1, 2022 7:54 AM Blog
I have taken photos of this young lady before. Her Senior pictures were amazing. These photos by far surpass all my favorites because of just how confident she is. Her eyes tell me, she's got this. Her standing tall tells me she can do anything. I am totally in love with these photos of Hermana Webber and I cannot be happier for her as she moves forward serving her mission in Chile!!! Thank you for trusting me with your missionary photos Megan! I am so glad I could take them for you. ......
Sabrina Ferrell - SENIORS 2022 Lima Peru
November 5, 2021 7:40 AM Blog
Oh my goodness. Senior photos in Peru???? Yes please!!!! And for the cherry on top...she's one amazing young woman too. I LOVED LOVED LOVED LOVED our Senior session together Sabrina. Thank you for trusting me to take your Senior photos.
Carson Bybee - SENIORS 2021
September 18, 2021 5:47 PM Blog
Photographing my son, Carson, was a favorite of mine. He challenged me and said he wanted a night life scene for Senior pics. This was out of my wheelhouse but he wouldn't settle for anything less and thus what does a mom do? You do your best and move forward. While this is not a typical Senior session that most Seniors dream about, it was what HE dreamed about and that is what is most important. He loved how they turned out and loved his announcement even more. Love you to the moon and back son ......
Kaden Sapp - SENIORS 2022
April 17, 2021 5:48 PM Blog
Senior pics with Kaden was so much fun!!! He was a natural in front of the camera and it was just a pleasure to be around him. Thanks for trusting me with your Senior pics Kaden!
Missionary Elder Matthew Anderson
March 22, 2021 2:27 PM Blog
Congrats to this amazing young man serving in the DC area speaking Farsi. I’m so glad I could be here to take your missionary photos and that you had such a great time at your session.
O'Brien Family 2020
October 27, 2020 2:19 PM Blog
I truly love it when I get to be together with good friends and amazing families. The O'Briens were kind enough to ask me to take their family photos again and it was just so good to be together again in one place. What a beautiful amazing family. LOVED LOVED LOVED getting together again.
Megan Webber - SENIORS 2021
October 23, 2020 5:30 PM Blog
Wow! Those eyes are amazing to stare at. Meet Megan!!! She's not only beautiful on the outside but inside is where she really shines forth with a light that you see from her soul. Amazing heart stopping photos for one amazingly beautiful young lady.Megan was a dream to photograph. Her smile, her confidence, her laughter and her easy going nature. I love that she trusted me to take her Senior photos! What an amazing time we had.
Smullin Family 2020
July 17, 2020 2:23 PM Blog
What an amazing experience to take photos of my brother's family while they visited. Loved walking the beautiful trails with them and just spending time together was the best part about their session.
Missionary Sister Emily Asplund
June 19, 2020 2:34 PM Blog
I love doing missionary photos!!!! You get to see the light and joy in the eyes of those going out to serve others. Love that you contacted me and trusted me with your session. Thank you!!!
Kylie Crockett - SENIORS 2020
October 26, 2019 5:50 PM Blog
We thought this session would not happen because we were continents apart and then all of a sudden I am standing behind a camera taking her Senior photos. Dream come true!!!!!!! Enjoy your sneak peek little lady. You are adorable and fantastic all in one amazing spirit. You killed your session and we have some gems with your fun personality shining through.
Matthew Anderson - SENIORS 2020
October 26, 2019 5:49 PM Blog
This guy is one handsome fella. Wowzers!!!! Still has that Anderson smolder going on...enjoy your photos!!! Thanks for asking me to take your Senior pictures. I sure have missed photographing High School Seniors.
Missionary - Hermana Shakira Vargas 2019
June 7, 2019 9:50 PM Blog
¡Felicidades a la hermana Vargas por tu misión a Cuzco! Aquí tienes un vistazo de tus fotos misioneras. No puedo esperar para mostrarte el resto.Congratulations Sister Vargas on your mission to Cuzco! Here is a peek of your missionary photos. I can't wait to show you the rest.
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